Aryan Nations Founder Moves

S P O K A N E, Wash., Oct. 24, 2000 -- Aryan Nations leader Richard Butler has

moved out of his 20-acre northern Idaho compound, according to a


The neo-Nazi must relinquish the compound soon to satisfy partof a $6.3 million judgment against him in a civil lawsuit.

Wealthy supporter Vincent Bertollini last week purchased a homefor Butler in nearby Hayden, Idaho, and Butler has moved in,Bertollini said Monday.

Hayden is about 40 miles east of Spokane, Wash.

“The icon of the now defunct (ha) Aryan Nations has ‘left theproperty,’” Bertollini wrote in an e-mail to reporters. “There isnothing but silence there now.”

A woman who answered the telephone at the Aryan Nations saidthey would have no comment. She declined to answer questions.

Name Change

The lawsuit also stripped Butler of the right to use the nameAryan Nations, but he has settled on an alternative, “The AryanNational Alliance,” Bertollini wrote.

Butler, 82, was due to turn over the property to Victoria andJason Keenan as early as this week. The Keenans last month won anegligence lawsuit against Butler after they were shot at andassaulted by Aryan Nations security guards in 1998.

Bertollini said Butler’s enemies “can hire their trucks, vansand minions to cart away Pastor Butler’s possessions of alifetime.”

“Pastor Butler will continue preaching. Pastor Butler willcontinue printing and Pastor Butler will continue to ride theInternet,” Bertollini wrote.

Silicon Wealth

Bertollini and associate Carl Story, both of nearby Sandpoint,Idaho, operate the 11th Hour Remnant Messenger, which shares theanti-Semitic, white supremacist philosophy of Aryan Nations. Theyhave used wealth from their Silicon Valley computer ventures tofinance mass mailings and other activities.

Bertollini purchased the $107,500 house for Butler in a dealthat closed last week. Butler and his German Shepherd Fritz havebeen seen at the property in recent days.

The small gray house sits in a neighborhood filled with minivansand swing sets, just west of the Hayden Lake Country Club.

The house can’t be put in Butler’s name because it would besubject to seizure by the Keenans.

On Saturday, Butler and an unknown number of supporters willmarch down the main street of nearby Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

Racial Awareness March

“This is a ‘White Pride’ and Racial Awareness March where trueAryans are standing together ... and showing the fine folks ofnorth Idaho and the national media that we are not going to besilenced,” Bertollini wrote.

It’s unclear how many supporters will march. In the past,thousands of protesters have descended on Coeur d’Alene to shoutdown the neo-Nazis.

Human rights advocates say that rather than protesting, theyplan to spread a positive message. The Kootenai County Task Forceon Human Relations will begin its “Idaho, the Human Rights State”campaign this weekend.

Butler still hopes to receive a new trial after losing thenegligence lawsuit Sept. 7. His motion alleged there was jurormisconduct, with some jurors allegedly saying they wanted to send amessage to the Aryan Nations that it was not wanted in northernIdaho.

First District Judge Charles Hosack is still working on thedecision, a clerk said.