Summer of the Shark - Again?

The summer's fishiest moments as "shark week" closes.

Aug. 18, 2012 — -- intro: As television's "shark week" comes to a close, ABC News recalls some of this season's fishiest moments. Shark attacks on human beings are actually very rare, but people's fears are still very real. From the 2,000-pound great white off the coast of Mexico to a feasting incident off the Jersey Shore, click through to see which sharks have left their marks.

quicklist: 1category: Summer of the SharkTitle: Frenzied Sharks Feast off Jersey Shore

Text: Summer might be coming to a close, but sharks' appetites are nowhere near satisfied. A frenzied bunch attacked their fishy prey off the Jersey Shore on Aug. 16, 2012, and were caught on camera by ocean life videographer Tom Lynch.

Thought to be black tip or spinner sharks, Lynch told the Daily News these kings of the sea jumped as high as 20 feet.

"The video I shot was unlike anything I've seen from this area, so I thought it would be a big attention grabber," Lynch said.

While the shark victims' lives came to a premature end, Lynch's YouTube video thrives, hitting 194,417 views by the afternoon of Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012.


quicklist: 2category: Summer of the SharkTitle: 'Shark Tony' Catches 7-Foot Sand Shark

Text: A sand shark made a patch of sand his home for a bit on Aug. 15, 2012, when a South Jersey man pulled the seven-footer ashore in Ocean City, N.J.

He released the beast soon after, but not before posing with it for a picture. The man, known by locals as "Shark Tony," according to, peruses the waters regularly at dusk. He usually catches smaller fare, but landed a mighty surprise -- a fish so big it took three people to haul it in.

Sand sharks, common near that stretch of beach, usually range from 4 to 6 feet, but can grow as large as 10 feet.

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quicklist: 3 category: Summer of the SharkTitle: Sharks Leave Marks in Santa Barbara

Text: Santa Barbara, Calif., known for its beautiful beaches and elegant Spanish architecture, made headlines for a nastier reason this summer. Six reports of shark sightings or attacks prompted officials to post signs warning swimmers.

A surfer's sighting on Leadbetter Beach, and the discovery of a seal that had apparently been attacked, set Santa Barbara officials on alert. The city said that if there were no more sightings by Aug. 17, 2012, The Santa Barbara Independent reported, signs would come down at sunset. Until then, it said, swimmers beware.

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quicklist: 4category: Summer of the Sharktitle: Shark Bites Bodysurfer off Cape Cod

Text: Two bandaged legs were evidence of Chris Myers' nasty battle with a Cape Cod, Mass., shark. Myers and his teenage son, J.J., went for a swim July 30. As they bodysurfed off the coast of Ballston Beach, Mass., an unwanted predator tagged along.

"I heard him scream and turned around, and saw the back and the fin of the shark up out of water," J.J. told "Good Morning America."

The father and son swam as quickly as possible, but couldn't make it to shore before Chris Myers was attacked. Once they made it to land, they were rushed to a hospital where Chris Myers was treated for his wounds. Experts believe the culprit was most likely a great white shark.

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quicklist: 5category: Summer of the SharkTitle: Great White Kills Australian Surfer

text: A 15-foot great white shark mauled 24-year-old surfer Benjamin Linden to death on July 14, 2012, a tragedy that affected family, friends and much of Western Australia.

Linden became Western Australia's fifth fatal shark attack victim in 10 months.

Friends gathered to remember him on July 29, 2012, taking part in a "paddle out" memorial service at Brighton Beach in Perth, Australia, according to the Herald Sun. Bagpipes, flowers and a surfboard signed by friends commemorated the young musician and cabinetmaker.


quicklist: 6category: Summer of the SharkTitle: Fin Follows Kayaker

Text: Most kayakers don't expect to see a dorsal fin, especially not during their first trip out to sea. Walter Szulc Jr. was in for quite the surprise, however, in the waters off Nauset Beach, Mass., near Cape Cod, on July 7, 2012.

Szulc made it back to shore safely, but the sighting closed the beach for the remainder of the day. Greg Skomal, a senior biologist at the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, told ABC News the growing seal population off Cape Cod might contribute to the increase in shark sightings.

However, beachgoers don't need to worry, Skomal said.

"Sharks are not there to feed on people," Skomal added. "They're there to feed on seals."

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quicklist: 7category: Summer of the SharkTitle: Great White Greets Beachgoers

Text: A 12-to 14-foot great white shark greeted La Jolla, Calif., beachgoers and a lifeguard July 2, 2012, closing the beach for a day.

The lifeguard was on a paddleboard about 50 yards from the lifeguard stand when she caught sight of the great white, KABC-TV reported.

A search for the shark followed, but lifeguards came up empty.

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quicklist: 8category: Summer of the SharkTitle: Massive Shark Nestles in Net

Text: Out to check their load for what they assumed was a routine catch, two Mexican fishermen were shocked when they realized a 2,000-pound great white shark had gotten caught in their nets April 15, 2012.

It took an hour to haul the load back to shore, Pisces Fleet reported.

"We were amazed and immediately realized that we had a huge, dead, great white shark and then we thought, 'What are we going to do?'" one fisherman told Pisces Sportfishing's Tracy Ehrenberg.

The shark was almost 20 feet long, large even for a great white.

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quicklist: 9category: Summer of the SharkTitle: Jaws Latch Onto Surfer's Leg

Text: Joshua Holley, 28, was surfing on April 3, 2012, at his favorite spot off the coast of Oahu, on Hawaii's North Shore, when he felt a push on the left side of his body.

"I looked to my left and I saw this really big dorsal fin," Holley told ABC News.

Holley punched the shark twice, but not before the shark severed two of his tendons. The cuts required 42 stitches, but the shark did not bite any major arteries, Holley said.

Holley said he's not mad at what he believes was a 10-foot tiger shark.

"He's just doing what he does. I'll definitely be back" in the water, he said.

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