Texas Family Puts Up Home 'For Sale' Sign With Vulgar Language After Neighbor Dispute

Barking dogs are at the center of this Texas-sized dispute.

— -- A Texas family has taken a public stand against someone who they say is a bad neighbor.

James and Lisa Price put up two “for sale” signs with vulgar language on their property in Farmers Branch, Texas, Friday, saying their next door neighbor’s actions led them to it.

The disagreement began about six months ago when the Price’s next door neighbor – whom Lisa Price said has rented the home for a couple years – began complaining about the Prices’ barking dogs.

The problem escalated about a week ago when the Price family received a $120 citation from the city for barking dogs, they said, agreeing that the dogs bark but that they’re trying to minimize the noise by keeping them inside more often.

The next door neighbor has surveillance cameras outside the home, one pointing to the family’s backyard and the other pointing straight into the master bedroom, Lisa Price said.

“The biggest thing is that ticket because there’s no reason to do that,” James Price told ABC News today. “You do not call the police on your neighbor for something like that.”

The neighbor has not returned a message left on his voicemail.

Lisa Price said five police officers and a city councilman have visited their home since Sunday, asking them to remove the signs, which refers to a feminine hygiene product.

The Farmers Branch Police confirmed officers had recently visited regarding the sign, but would not confirm whether they spoke with the Price family or their neighbor.

Lisa Price said, “The whole thing is just ridiculous. We put the sign up maybe hoping he’d back off but we just would like to live peacefully. [The neighbor] is causing us to not be able to live comfortably.”

As for the sign, its vulgar language is not against the city’s ordinances and is allowed on the Price’s property.

“Our sign ordinance has very little language about private property, so when it comes down to something like this, it is a first amendment right,” Farmers Branch city spokesman Tom Bryson told ABC News today.

The Prices said the sign will stay up, although they’re more interesting in getting their neighbor to apologize and pay for the ticket than they are in actually selling the house.

“I don’t care who you are,” James Price said, “that sign is funny.”