Texas Homeowner Uses a Creative Way to Find Thief

It didn't take long for neighbors to identify the alleged culprit.

— -- A Texas homeowner turned to social media after a teen allegedly snatched a package off his front doorstep.

Jeff Turner, who lives in Harris County, said he witnessed the incident on his home video surveillance. The FedEx package had just been delivered when someone swooped in, with a sweatshirt covering his face. The person can be seen looking back and forth before grabbing the package and running off.

“It was bold,” Turner said. “The more I thought about it, the kind of madder I got, and I thought, ‘You know what, I’m going to post this to a social media site.’”

Turner turned to his Facebook friends, posting screen-grabs of the surveillance footage on his neighborhood watch Facebook page to see whether anyone recognized the person.

It didn’t take long for neighbors to identify a local teen who was allegedly responsible.

But Turner took mercy and didn’t go to police, and the stolen item – a Houston Rockets sweater – was returned to Turner’s son, Jared.