5 Things To Know This Morning

5 Things To Know This Morning

July 18, 2012 — -- Your look at the five biggest and most buzz-worthy stories of the morning.

1. Fourth 2012 Northwest Heat Wave Ends

More than two dozen record highs were broken yesterday from Missouri to New Jersey, where temperatures topped 100 degrees in some places. Today marks the last day of the fourth heat wave of the season in the Northeast where it will feel much cooler tomorrow but still very hot in the South and Central Plains.

2. Obama Unveils $1B Education Plan

The Obama administration unveiled plans on Wednesday to build a corps of teachers as part of a $1 billion effort to boost US students' achievements in science and math. The program will reward exceptional teachers with salary stipends as part of a long-term endeavor by President Obama.

3. Romney Weaker Than Obama in Campaign Ratings

A new ABC News/Washington Post poll showed just 38 percent of Americans favor the way Mitt Romney is running his campaign while 49 percent responded unfavorably. President Obama saw a nearly even divide for his efforts this election year, with a 46-45 percent favorable-unfavorability.

4. Kennedy Explains Car Accident to Judge

Kerry Kennedy said doctors believe her recent car accident with a truck on a highway was caused by a seizure stemming from an old brain injury. Kennedy pleaded not guilty to a charge of driving while drug-impaired.

5. Bieber Paparazzo May be Charged

The paparazzo who was the ringleader in the freeway chase involving pop star Justin Bieber could be the first person charged under California's new anti-paparazzi law. The law prohibits paparazzi from putting people in danger in an effort to capture photographs or video.