5 Things To Know This Morning

5 Things To Know This Morning

July 30, 2012 — -- Your look at the five biggest and most buzz-worthy stories of the morning.

1. China Leads U.S. on Olympic Medal Board

As Day 3 of the Olympics begins, Team USA has won 11 medals, including three gold medals. China leads the medal board with a total of 12 medals.

2. Romney: US has 'Moral Imperative' to Block Iran Nuke Program

Presumptive Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney gave a speech in Jerusalem in which he said that the United States has a "moral imperative" to block Iran from attaining its nuclear capability.

3. Holmes to Face Charges in Colo. Shooting

Colorado massacre suspect James Holmes will be in an Arapahoe County courtroom today to face formal charges relating to the mass shooting in a movie multiplex in Aurora. Holmes, 24, was arrested shortly after prosecutors say he opened fire at a packed midnight movie premiere of "A Dark Knight Rises" on July 20.

4. Kent State Student Arrested Over Bomb Threat

19-year-old Kent State University student William Koberna was arrested Sunday at his parent's Ohio home after sending out a Twitter message threatening to blow up the school's campus. The tweet ended with the words, "I'm shooting up your school ASAP."

5. Panda Born at San Diego Zoo

A panda cub was born at the San Diego Zoo to a 20-year-old giant panda. It's the sixth cub born to Bai Yun, the most at a facility outside of China.