5 Things To Know This Morning

5 Things To Know This Morning

Oct. 8, 2012— -- 1. The Big Chill Hits the US

This morning 31 states are at or below freezing, with 22 states experiencing freeze warnings or frost advisories from Texas to New York. Over the weekend, there were 329 record lows across the country.

2. Meningitis Outbreak Growing, 91 Sick

The Centers for Disease Control reports that 91 cases of the rare form of meningitis have now been confirmed. The outbreak is linked to a steroid that was sold at a pharmacy in Massachusetts. The pharmacy has since recalled the product.

3. TSA Screeners at Newark Airport Get Low Marks

A newspaper in New Jersey is reporting that TSA screeners at Newark Liberty International Airport only properly executed passenger pat-downs 16.7 percent of the time. The article also reported that screeners only identify and take the necessary action on prohibited items 25 percent of the time.

4. 3 Arrested, 1 Man Dead After Wedding Parties Brawl

Police responded to a call at a Sheraton hotel in Philadelphia early Sunday morning to break up a fight between two wedding parties. The morning ended with at least three people being arrested for disorderly conduct and one dead after a man suffered a heart attack.

5. Champs Crowned in Wife Carrying Championship

A Finnish couple has won the North American Wife Carrying Championship in Maine. The competition requires males to carry their female teammates through a series of obstacles. The winners were awarded the woman's weight in beer and five times her weight in cash.