Toy Vending Machine Gives Tulsa Boy a Nazi-Themed Ring

The vending machine was located in a local Family Dollar store.

"You don't want to know what my reaction was," the mother, Leona Kelley, told TV station KOKI in Tulsa. “I just started yelling at the store people like, 'What the hmmm is this?' I'm like, 'Why is this here?'"

Kelley, who could not be reached today by ABC News, told KOKI she and her son were at a Family Dollar store in Tulsa Wednesday afternoon when the incident happened.

The news station visited the same location where Kelley was shopping and found another 10 to 15 of the same Nazi-themed rings still in the vending machine.

Any vending machines located inside their stores are operated by a third-party, a spokeswoman for Family Dollar told ABC News.

“Please know that once we were alerted to this incident, we immediately contacted the vending supply company. They are currently investigating this matter,” spokeswoman Bryn Winburn told ABC News by email.

Charlotte, North Carolina-based Family Dollar declined to name the company, and the vending machine only has a phone number listed, not a company name, according to KOKI.

When contacted today by ABC News, a man by the name of David answered the number and issued a quick "no comment" before hanging up.