Video Shows Man Chanting 'Trump! All the Way!' and Calling Driver the N-Word

The man also said, "black lives don't matter."

— -- A man is encouraging people to "get out and vote" after capturing video showing another man chanting "Trump! Trump! All the way, Trump!" at him before calling him a "n-----" and telling him that "black lives don't matter" during an apparent road rage incident.

The four-minute video was originally posted to Facebook on Sunday by a man who identified himself as "Skye Lev" from Memphis, Tennessee. "Skye Lev" claimed that the video was deleted at one point, but it appears it was reposted again today on Facebook. A one-minute clip of the video was also shared on his Instagram account under the username "skyerepublic."

In the beginning of the video, an unidentified man in a white t-shirt can be seen coming up to the window of "Skye Lev's" vehicle before chanting, "Trump! Trump! All the way, Trump!" and saying that "black lives don't matter."

At one point in the video, "Skye Lev" asks the man, "So, black lives don't matter because you got a problem in traffic?"

The man in the white t-shirt responds, "No, the problem in traffic was you were right behind me, sped up and drove around me, jumped in front of me and made me slam my brakes at a light. That makes you a n-----."

In the longer version of the video posted to Facebook, the man in the white t-shirt calls "Skye Lev" a "n----" multiple more times, and at one point, also calls him a "f-----g transgender f----t."

At another point later in the video, the man in the white t-shirt says, "Black people were bought by a contract, and we got ripped off because y'all should have gotten returned when there was evidence and proof that y'all couldn't do anything."

Near the end of the video, the man in the white shirt tells "Skye Lev" that "if there wasn't technology and stuff like this, I would've smashed you because I'm a man and you're a little punk."

Before driving away, "Skye Lev" turns the camera to himself and says, "That's exactly why y'all need to get out and vote."

In the caption to the video posted to Instagram using the name “skyerepublic” on Sunday, "Skye Lev" said the incident happened after he "didn't allow [the man in the white t-shirt] to speed up and stop me from changing lanes in traffic."

"Skye Lev" did not immediately return ABC News' requests for additional information on the incident.

The Memphis Police Department "is aware of the video and is looking into it," public information officer Lt. Karen Rudolph told ABC News today.

She added that the man who recorded the video had "not filed any kind of police report" with the department and that investigators "hoped to have more information to share" at a later time.