World Trade Center: 1,630th Victim Identified Since 9/11

Following Osama bin Laden's death, newest victim said to be 32-year-old man.

May 12, 2011 — -- For the first time since Osama bin Laden was killed, a victim of his deadliest attack was identified, marking the 1,630th time a family of someone who was murdered at the World Trade Center on 9/11 received some degree of closure.

The New York City medical examiner has not publically named the victim, but said he was a 32-year-old white male.

Nearly 3,000 people were killed at the World Trade Center terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 on the orders of bin Laden. The terror mastermind was found and killed by U.S. Navy SEALs on May 2, a decade after the attacks.

The medical examiner has 8,157 bone fragments, discovered in the wreckage of the twin towers, that require DNA testing.

So far, "1,722 remains have been linked by DNA to known individuals and 6,435 remains are in various stages of testing," according to the medical examiner.

In some cases, those 1,722 remains have been matched to someone who had already been identified. As of this month, 1,630 individual victims have been confirmed.

Some 41 percent of all remains discovered at the site still require testing, according to the most recent report by the city.

Following bin Laden's death, numerous politicians and victims' family members have called on President Obama to release photos of the slain terror leader.

Some victims' loved ones, however, have poignantly noted that it was through DNA testing alone that many of those killed on 9/11 were identified.

"If it was good enough for the families to accept DNA evidence, then it should be good enough for Osama bin Laden," said Maureen Santores, whose son, a New York City firefighter, died at the World Trade Center.