A young couple is hoping for a miracle today after tragedy struck on a vacation to Mexico

A young couple is hoping for a miracle today after tragedy struck on a vacation.

Francisco and Emily Barba, along with their 11-month-old daughter Emma Rose, went on a trip to San Luis Potosi, Mexico to visit Francisco’s extended family. It was Emma Rose’s first time travelling.

On Saturday, July 14th, one day before they were meant to return to Texas, Emma Rose fell ill with what at first seemed to be a stomach ache. Upon arrival at the hospital, however, doctors quickly determined Emma Rose required surgery.

Unfortunately, there was a complication with the surgery. According to a GoFundMe page started for the child, the complication caused liquid to pool around her lungs and now she is in the intensive care unit at another hospital, on a breathing machine.

Today, the family is hoping that they can get a medical flight to take Emma Rose from the hospital in Mexico to Houston Children’s Hospital. The issue facing the Barba family is that medical flights cost between $18,000 and $30,000, according to the fundraising page and the family’s Medicaid does not cover international costs.

In light of this situation, the couple took to the popular fundraising page GoFundMe to raise money to pay for this medical flight to save Emma Rose’s life.

The page states, “they say that the worst thing in life, for a parent, is to see their child suffering. Unfortunately Emma’s parents, Francisco and Emily Barba, are going through that stage right now.”

As of Thursday morning, the page has been shared on social media 1,300 times and has raised over $20,000.