Do You Agree or Disagree with the Republican Plan to Repeal Health Care Law?

"World News" wants to hear from you.

Jan. 6, 2011— -- With the gavel passed and control of the House formally handed over to the Republicans, GOP leaders are promising swift action on several key issues, foremost among them health care.

Later this month, Republicans plan a vote to repeal the landmark health care law put into place by President Obama and the Democrats, citing the law's widespread unpopularity across the country.

"Republicans do care about people having health care, and we just know there's a better way," Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va. said on "Good Morning America" this morning. "I think in the election that occurred in the last couple months demonstrated that people in this country did not like the 'Obamacare' bill. Neither do we Republicans."

Cantor said that the Republicans plan to put forward a bill to repeal the law next week, which also instructs House committees and members to develop another health care plan.

"Republicans have always talked about a health care environment in which you have more choice, in which you can shop for insurance across state lines, where the emphasis is on the doctor/patient relationship, and we can provide some competition so we can bring down costs."

Democrats argue that the law will save the federal government money and improves access to health care for Americans.

Our question to you today: Do you agree or disagree with the Republican plan to repeal the health care reform law?

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