2010 Primaries: Eve of The Vote

Tuesday's primaries will measure the Tea Party's power.

June 7, 2010— -- The power of the tea party movementwill be measured in Nevada on Tuesday where there's a primary battle for what may be this year's biggest Republican prize: the chance to take on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

'Mrs. Tea Party'

Meet Sharron Angle. She's a 60-year-old former school teacher who wants to abolish the Department of Education. In Nevada she's called "Mrs. Tea Party" and has come from nowhere to front-runner in this year's most important Republican primary.

"Our economy is being waterboarded here, we're just being tortured with these numbers I just gave you and it's all Harry Reid's fault," Angle said.

Angle's political views are as uncompromising as her rhetoric. She wants to take the United States out of the United Nations, phase out Social Security and shut down the Internal Revenue Service. She calls global warming "fraudulent science."

Angle's politics are so far outside the mainstream that Harry Reid's allies have worked hard to boost her candidacy by tearing down the Republican establishment candidate, Sue Lowden. Lowden is a former Nevada Republican Party chairwoman.

Reid's political ads attacking Lowden's record on taxes seem to be working. Lowden had a 25-point lead just two months ago, but is now in third place.

Endangered Incumbents

But even if Angle wins the Republican primary, Reid may face a stiff fight. The latest polls show Reid in danger of losing to any of the Republican candidates, including Angle.

He's not the only incumbent in danger.

The fate of two other veteran Congressional members hangs in the balance: two-term Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas and six-term Republican Rep. Bob Inglis of South Carolina.

Lincoln is going head to head against Lt. Gov. Bill Halter in an Arkansas runoff.

In the last week of her campaign, she debuted a new ad featuring former President Bill Clinton stumping for her at a rally. The ad is an attempt to combat the millions of dollars major labor unions have pumped into her opponent's campaign.

The unions have opposed Lincoln because of her support of the bank bailout and her failure to support a public option in this year's health-care overhaul debate.

If Lincoln loses, she will become the third incumbent senator to be voted out, after Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., and Sen. Bob Bennett, R-Utah.

The financial bailout has turned into a hot button issue in South Carolina, too. Republican Rep. Bob Inglis is trying to fend off primary challengers who have made the race a referendum on his 2008 vote to bail out the nation's banking industry.

Voters in the Palmetto State are still recovering from the saga of Gov. Mark Sanford's affair and divorce, but the gubernatorial primary has been anything but drama-free.

Tea party-backed candidate state Rep. Nikki Haley has denied repeated allegations of marital infidelity. Still, polls show Haley, who has been championed by Sarah Palin, leading the race.

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ABC News Correspondent Jon Karl contributed to this report. The Associated Press contributed to this report.