World Cup 2010: Should Officials Ban Vuvuzela Horns From Games?

'World News' wants to know what you think. Answer below.

June 14, 2010— -- If you were one of the millions of Americans who tuned into World Cup games this weekend -- including the U.S. team's draw with England -- then you couldn't miss the deafening, buzzing noise of the vuvuzela.

The distinctly South African plastic horn is a fan favorite for natives and visitors alike in World Cup stadiums, with each long horn adding to the din in stadiums.

While some hear the vuvuzela sound as a symbol of South Africa's national pride, but others simply find it annoying. Some World Cup stars and coaches have said the buzzing sound makes communication tough on the field, and some fans say it's drowning out the real soundtrack of the game -- the oohs and aahs of an engaged and passionate crowd.

"No offense to the vuvuzela posse but, man, it's a bit much," soccer fan and cycling star Lance Armstrong tweeted following Saturday's game.

The horn's detractors have blamed it for destroying the atmosphere in stadiums and even for spreading cold and flu viruses.

With weeks left in the World Cup tournament, many are now calling for a vuvuzela ban.

FIFA president Sepp Blatter took to twitter today in response to the criticism, writing, "To answer all your messages re the Vuvuzelas. I have always said that Africa has a different rhythm, a different sound ... I don't see banning the music traditions of fans in their own country. Would you want to see a ban on the fans of your country?"

So, our question to you today: Should vuvuzela horns be banned from the World Cup?