ABC News Frustration Index: What Angers You Most About the Government?

'World News' wants to know what you think. Let us know below.

June 8, 2010— -- A new ABC News polling index shows that Americans are frustrated -- angry with their government, angry about the economy, and bent on kicking politicians out of office.

The ABC News Frustration Index, a new tool combining ABC News/Washington Post poll information, stands at 67 out of 100 -- the highest number since the 2008 economic collapse and, before that, 1992.

"It has all the makings of a hot political summer," wrote ABC News polling director Gary Langer in his analysis of the data.

And on this day when voters in 11 states will head to polls for primary elections, the frustration index is also a warning sign to politicans about what may be coming this November.

According to the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, only 29 percent of Americans say they're inclined to re-elect their representative, the smallest percentage since 1989.

So, our question to you today: What angers you most about your elected officials?