What do you think about a new report showing insurance companies are posting huge profits while still dropping customers and raising rates.

A new ABC poll shows him losing ground even among independents.

Feb. 10, 2010— -- A new ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that President Obama and the Democrats have squandered huge leads in public support on key issues while Republicans have gained popularity.

The poll shows that among registered voters Obama now only has a five-point lead over the Republicans in Congress when it comes to trust in handling the economy, health care reform and terrorism. That's down, respectively, from 37-, 28- and 21-point advantages on these issues in the spring and summer.

While Obama's job approval rating overall is 51 percent -- essentially the same since December -- his popularity among independents, an important demographic for him, has dropped. Currently 46 percent approve of Obama's overall job performance while 49 percent disapprove.

So we want to know: "What do you think Obama could do to help win back the support of registered voters?"