The Conversation: Child Poet a YouTube Star

Samuel Chelpka recites poems flawlessly -- and he's only three-years-old.

Sept. 2, 2010— -- Kids say the darndest things -- but rarely do they recite poetry like Samuel Chelpka.

The three-year-old's flawless recitations of complex poems by Billy Collins and Alfred, Lord Tennyson have drawn plenty of ears -- and eyes, with over 250,000 views on YouTube.

"I don't think he really understands quite what it means," his mother, Della Chelpka said when asked whether her son enjoyed his internet fame.

Samuel's parents began reading to him at an early age, and he began to speak when he was just a one-year-old. Six months later, he was already memorizing books and reciting them.

"He's always had a gift for memorizing things. He had 'Green Eggs and Ham' memorized, so we started reading him other things, just poetry we liked," said Della.

Samuel particularly liked the poem "Litany," by Billy Collins.

"He listened to it over and over again," on a podcast, Della said, "and one day, I thought, 'I wonder if he knows this?' And I asked him, and he recited the whole thing. I was pretty surpised at that."

Della originally taped her son's recitation to share with friends and family, but realizing that young Samuel had a gift, she decided to post his first video to YouTube, reciting "Litany." Samuel says the lines as he plays with his toys, dressed in a t-shirt with a frog. He has a gift, but he's certainly still a kid.

Samuel and mom have posted two follow-up videos, with another one to come next week. But before that, Samuel and Della Chelpka spoke with ABC's Jeremy Hubbard about his remarkable talent and young Internet fame.

We hope you'll watch an interesting Conversation and the special performance from this amazing three-year-old.

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