The Conversation: What Does Scott Brown's Victory Mean for Obama?

ABC's Diane Sawyer and Jake Tapper discuss Tuesday night's election results.

Jan. 20, 2010— -- Scott Brown, who calls himself a "new breed of Republican" won the Massachusetts Senate seat on Tuesday, a seat that was held for 46 years by the late "liberal lion," Ted Kennedy. Brown has vowed to vote against the health care bill currently in the Senate, a prospect which has set off a firestorm of debate and finger-pointing at the White House and on Capitol Hill.

Today Diane Sawyer talks to Jake Tapper at the White House about what happens next. Will there be health care reform any time soon? Was last night's Republican victory a referendum on President Obama's first year in office? Is it a harbinger of things to come in the midterm elections later this year? All this and more in today's Conversation.