The Conversation: Digital Device Do's and Don'ts

Diane Sawyer and Nick Bilton on the do's and don'ts of the digital age.

March 3, 2010 — -- E-mail, tweets, Facebook, phone calls, texts: Communication has become infinitely more varied in recent years. Facebook is now the second most visited U.S. site on the Web, and nearly 10 billion tweets have been sent.

Communication protocol used to be easy -- you probably learned proper phone etiquette from your parents. But with all these different ways to communicate, it's now harder than ever to know what's right and what's wrong in our digital lives. Is it OK to look at another person's e-mail or browse through someone else's phone? Should you share a Facebook account with your significant other? And how does Twitter affect dating and relationships?

These are tough questions to answer, but ABC's Diane Sawyer and Nick Bilton of The New York Times tackle them in today's Conversation. Watch and tell us what you think in the comments section.

To read more of Nick Bilton's work, click here and head over to The New York Times Bits Blog.