The Conversation: Facebook and FarmVille, Fun or Frivolous?

ABC's Diane Sawyer and Nick Bilton of the N.Y. Times dig into FarmVille craze.

Feb, 24, 2010— -- Facebook. It's the Internet phenomenon that shows no signs of slowing down. In the past week, Facebook surpassed Yahoo in popularity. It now sits comfortably in second place, with only Google blocking its complete Internet supremacy. And Facebook isn't just for reconnecting with former school friends and keeping up on the latest gossip. The world of Facebook games is ever-growing, with the popular FarmVille leading the way.

Love it or hate it, FarmVille now has close to 100 million users, with some 30 million active daily. So for today's Conversation, Diane Sawyer and New York Times technology writer Nick Bilton look at what makes Facebook and FarmVille so appealing. Bilton takes us through his own farm, explains the social networking aspect of the game and how some people are so dedicated to their farms that they use real money, yes real money, to buy virtual eggplants.

If you are tuned in to the world of Facebook and FarmVille, then you've got to tune in to today's Conversation.