The Conversation: The Inspiration Behind 'Mila's Daydreams'

Sharyn Alfonsi chats with Adele Enersen about the popular baby blog.

Aug. 5, 2010— -- Like all new parents, Finnish couple Adele Enersen and her husband "went crazy" taking pictures when their baby daughter, Mila, was born in May. After posting many of her pictures on Facebook for family and friends, Enersen decided to start a blog of images of Mila so those who were interesed could go there.

The copywriter currently on maternity leave credits her husband -- and a 2-month-old sound sleeper -- with the idea of "Mila's Daydreams," now a hit blog that features a sleeping Mila in various settings such as "Autumn Leaves of Gingerbread Tree," "My Precious Pearl" and "Bookworm." He was the first to build a "set" around the sleeping infant.

The blog took off a few weeks ago when she built a Facebook page to promote it. In one day "Mila's Daydreams" had 50,000 visitors and the next day 20,000. Enersen said that 99 percent of commentors enjoy the blog and that they make her cry.

"[The public response to the blog] has been crazy. I didn't expect it at all," Enersen said today during The Conversation with ABC News correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi. "You don't expect to be news."

To create Mila's "daydreams," she uses everyday items around the house for inspiration like gingerbread cookies as leaves, a cardboard cutout for glasses and bedsheets and baby blankets to create an octopus and swirling ocean waves.

Enersen has studied fashion design and advertising and attended art school as a teenager but she's not trained in photography. She photographs Mila for the blog a few times a week.

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