The Conversation: Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper on HIV-AIDS

ABC's Diane Sawyer Talks to Pop Superstars About AIDS and Women.

Feb. 10, 2010— -- With her songs at the top of the charts and on iPods everywhere, Lady Gaga is at the peak of pop stardom. She's joining with a music diva from another era, Cyndi Lauper, to shine a glittery light on a serious issue -- the effect of HIV-AIDS on women around the world.

Lady Gaga and Lauper are the new faces of MAC Cosmetics' Viva Glam campaign, which helps raise money for those living with HIV-AIDS. The MAC AIDS Fund gets support from money raised from the sale of Viva Glam lipstick and lip gloss.

The two sat down with ABC's Diane Sawyer for a Conversation you don't want to miss. Lady Gaga explains what she learned in Catholic school about safe sex.

And CLICK HERE to see part two of today's conversation.