The Conversation: Tech Round-Up

ABC's Dan Harris and New York Times reporter Nick Bilton talk tech news.

March 16, 2010— -- With Google and Facebook reigning supreme on the Internet, the only battle left seems to be between the two of them. Tuesday, Facebook won a minor victory, edging out Google in U.S page views for the week of March 15, Facebook's first full-week win ever, according to the Internet metrics firm Hitwise.

At the same time, another social media giant, Twitter, rolled out their @anywhere platform at the South by Southwest Interactive Festival in Austin, Texas. Twitter CEO Evan Williams, says @anywhere will provide a seamless way to add Twitter links to partner Web sites without having to go to the Twitter site.

In today's Conversation we go to our favorite source of technology news, New York Times reporter Nick Bilton. Bilton and ABC's Dan Harris discuss if Facebook really is overtaking Google, what this new Twitter product means for the company and its revenue future, and what the difference is between those who love Twitter and those who love Facebook.

All this and more in today's Conversation!

To read more of Nick Bilton's work, click here and head over to The New York Times Bits Blog.