Speak Directly to the Gulf: Send Your Questions, Support and Encouragement to Residents

'World News' wants to help convey your messages and thoughts to Gulf residents.

July 9, 2010— -- Over the past three months the nation has been captivated and horrified by the continuing oil spill crisis Gulf.

The worst oil spill in U.S. history, millions of gallons of oil have already spilled into the ocean, and the scene on shore is getting worse with every passing day. The entire coastline of the Gulf Coast, from Louisiana to Florida is under siege from the oil. Many residents, who depend on the Gulf of Mexico for their livelihood are afraid their way of life might never be the same again.

As BP continues their attempts to contain the worst oil spill in U.S. history, Gulf Coast residents remain in a state of panic about what will become of their lives, even when the oil stops flowing.

"World News" and Diane Sawyer will be traveling back down to the Gulf region and wants to bring your questions, messages, encouragement and thoughts directly to the Gulf residents.

Share them with us here, or you can e-mail us directly at abc.worldnews@abc.com. A producer may also contact you to send a video message or question.

We're listening -- please tell us your thoughts.