Is Michelle Obama's Presence on the Campaign Trail Helping to Energize Democratic Voters?

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Oct. 18, 2010— -- First lady Michelle Obama hits the campaign trail in Connecticut and New York today, continuing to lend a hand to Democrats facing tough reelection battles.

Many pollsters say Obama is an important weapon as Democrats, who normally have a 10 point advantage with women, struggle among women voters.

She has crossed the nation in the past week with campaign events in states such as Wisconsin, Colorado and Washington. In Colorado, the first lady's visit set a single-event record for Democratic U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet, with $270,000 raised, according to Bennet campaign staffers.

The first lady reunited with the president Sunday night at a campaign event in Ohio, the first time they have hit the stump together in two years.

Her focus on her role as a mom is smart, said Cokie Roberts, ABC News' political commentator. "If he can't connect," Roberts said of the president, "maybe she can."

Where the president comes across as the cerebral constitutional law professor, Roberts said, the first lady's 2010 stump speech is "very much the anti-Obama."

There is a perception that first ladies are somehow above the political fray, that they often get higher approval ratings than their spouses and are less divisive.

The perception is wrong, Roberts said.

"First ladies are good at campaigning," she said. "They bring a humanity to the candidate, particularly candidates like Barack Obama, who are cerebral and very smart and can talk about political theory at great length. But that doesn't do it for someone who is out of a job or whose child can't afford to pay their student loans."

Our question to you today: Can Michelle Obama make a difference in terms of energizing Democratic voters?

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