Four-Day Work Weeks Help Employees Save
To cut commute costs, Birmingham, Ala., city employees will work four-day weeks.
July 1, 2007— -- Three-day weekends were once considered a luxury, but they've now become a necessity for a growing number of workers across the country.
Employees, pinched by gas prices, are now pleading with their bosses for help.
John Challenger, chief executive officer of Challenger, Gray & Christmas, a work outplacement consulting firm, told ABC News the economics behind the four-day week phenomenon are very real.
"It's much more expensive to get to work, and employees want answers from their employers," Challenger said. "How are they going to help them fix it?"
Kim Noah, a graphics designer at Innovative Solutions in Aiken, S.C., asked her employers that very question, to remedy the rising cost of commuting to work.
Innovative Solutions co-owners Debbie Renew and RaeLeigh Warner, devised a four-day work week, which they put into effect on June 1. Employees work four days a week, but 10 hours a day, instead of the typical eight, to compensate for the lost day of work.
By eliminating one day of commuting, Renew and Warner can offer significant relief for their employees in times of financial hardship.
Noah, like many struggling Americans, spends more and more of her salary on gas. It cost $81 a week for Noah to fill up the tank of her Ford Expedition. Her commute is typically 10 to 15 minutes, each way, depending on traffic.
"I'm seeing at least $20 to $30, just in a week's time, in savings," said Noah, who stays in her house on that day off, to conserve gas money.
Not only does she save on gas, but she also has one fewer day per week to cover day care costs, which racks up $20 in savings each week.
All of these savings add up. With a recent report predicting that gas prices could increase to $7 a gallon in the United States within two years, the four-day work week may offer a solution.
That's why many companies across the country are following suit. A new survey by Challenger, Gray & Christmas of 100 medium and large businesses found that 57 percent now offer some sort of employee relief to help them cope with the tough economic circumstances.
Not all companies have adopted the four-day work week formula; according to the survey, 20 percent provide employee carpools, 18 percent help with the cost of public transportation, and 14 percent allow employees to work from home one day a week.
The common thread in each of those programs is that they were put in place to help employees deal with the rising costs burdening them.
A china company in North Carolina established a program for employees to work from their home computers one day a week. If you do the math, the savings from eliminating just one day of commuting quickly adds up.
The average commute is 30 miles both ways -- with around 17 miles to the gallon, and gas prices at $4.10, employees save about $7.24 a day, which accumulates to $377.52 a year.
Birmingham, Ala., Mayor Larry Langford jumped on board with the four-day work week, extending its reach from the company level to the entire city. He hopes that it will both maximize commuters' savings and the wear and tear placed on the city.
"If you have 3,500 workers off the road one day a week, you can't help but save money," Langford said.
And this week, the entire state of Utah followed suit, when the governor announced plans to reduce the work week starting next month.
Republican Gov. Jon Huntsman said he's instituting the change to decrease Utah's carbon footprint, increase energy efficiency, and give workers greater flexibility.
An idea that started in small offices like Warner and Renew's Innovative Solutions, and spread to the entire city of Birmingham and now the state of Utah, shows how four-day work weeks are growing almost as quickly as gas prices.