Complete Coverage: Gibson Interviews Bush

Charlie Gibson interviews Pres. Bush on the last eight years in the White House.

Dec. 2, 2008— -- Charles Gibson sat down with President George Bush and first lady Laura Bush at Camp David, the private presidential retreat. In a wide-ranging interview as the first family prepares to leave the White House, the president and first lady reflect on the past eight years, the current state of the country and their greatest disappointments and accomplishments in office.

Bush: 'I Did Not Compromise My Principles'

The president tells Charlie Gibson that he leaves office with "head held high."

Transcript: Gibson Interviews Bush

Read Charlie Gibson's interview with President Bush on his deepest regrets.

WATCH: Bush on Economy: 'Sorry It's Happening'

WATCH: Bush Calls His Presidency 'Joyous'

WATCH: Bush: Obama Presidency 'Exciting Time'

WATCH: George Bush Reflects on His Legacy

WATCH: Life After the White House

WATCH: Bush Highlights Term Highs and Lows

WATCH: Life After the Presidency