U.S.Intelligence Has Grown "Beyond Control." Are You Worried About America's Safety?

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July 19, 2010— -- In a bombshell article today, the Washington Post reports that America's intelligence services have grown so large and bureaucratic that they are "beyond control" and may not be doing the essential job of keeping the country safe.

Washington Post reporters spent two years investigating the intelligence community, documenting the enormous growth and massive expenditure that has occurred since 9/11.

Among the revelations, the Post found that over 850,000 people have top-secret security clearance, and 33 buildings have been constructed in the Washington, D.C. area alone to house ever-growing agencies since 2001.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence was created in 2004 to help unify and oversee the nation's disparate intelligence services, but the Post reports that goal has, to a large degree, not been met.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates acknowledged the problems, telling the Post that "there has been so much growth since 9/11 that getting your arms around that -- not just for the [Director of National Intelligence], but for any individual [...] is a challenge."

Our question to you today: Based on the Post's findings, are you worried about America's safety?

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