Wall Street Pay Hits Record High -- What's Your Reaction?

"World News" wants to know what you think. Share your comments below.

Oct. 12, 2010— -- A year after President Obama's pay czar was charged with reviewing executive compensation, Wall Street workers have enjoyed record-high pay days this year, reports the Wall Street Journal.

According to the Journal, compensation will reach $144 billion this year at the top Wall Street firms, up $5 billion from 2009. Revenue is also rising, up 3 percent, according to the Journal's analysis.

Another big paycheck could also be coming. Some analysts suggest that Wall Street firms may give their employees bonuses in December instead of January. Such a move would likely help their employees avoid higher taxes, as the Bush administration's tax cuts expire on Jan. 1, 2011.

So with Wall Street pay reaching a record high, we ask you today: What's your reaction?

Reuters contributed to this report.

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