Do You Think Sen. Harry Reid Should Step Down for Controversial Comments He Made About President Obama's Race?

"World News" wants to know what you think.

Jan. 11, 2010— -- A new book on the 2008 presidential campaign has put Sen. Harry Reid in the middle of a firestorm of controversy. The Senate majority leader apparently praised then-Sen. Barack Obama's electability due to his "light skin" and lack of a "Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."

Reid apologized for the remarks and President Obama quickly accepted the apology. However, some Republicans are calling it a double standard, saying that former Republican Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott was not awarded the same impunity in 2002 when he made controversial remarks that led to his eventual resignation.

Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele has called for Reid to resign and Liz Cheney, wife of the former vice president, said on ABC's "This Week": "One of the things that makes the American people frustrated is when they see time and time again liberals excusing racism from other liberals."

Our question to you today: Do You Think Sen. Harry Reid Should Step Down for Controversial Comments He Made About President Obama's Race?