The Conversation: Job Search: Your Questions Answered

Tory Johnson answers viewers' questions about searching for work

July 6, 2010— -- The U.S. workplace is a dismal one this summer, and June's unemployment numbers showed the economy is still losing more jobs than it is creating. The unemployment rate now sits at 9.5 percent, with many in that group been having been unemployed for six months or longer.

But ABC's workplace contributor Tory Johnson is among the first to come out and say that a bleak job market doesn't mean you should give up hope of ever finding the right job.

In today's Conversation, Johnson sets out to answer some of the top questions asked by our viewers in recent days.

Susan, from California, was one of many who wrote to us asking how she can compete with the hundreds, if not thousands, who are also applying for the same positions she is.

" I get up early every morning to try to be the first to submit my online application for new job postings," said Susan. ""How can I stand out and get that interview?"

Lots of other people wrote in asking for recommendations on places that will review resumes and give job advice for free. Some wanted to know about work-at-home jobs, or if a low credit score is affecting their ability to get job interviews.

And what about people who have any type of criminal record? Many of you wrote in about wanting to turn your lives around , but believe you have no chance of competing in this tough work environment.

Johnson sets out to answer these questions -- and more -- in today's Conversation. A series of web extra video clips will be posted all this week on the "World News" page.

Get useful tips from Tory Johnson about the importance of face-to-face meetings when doing your initial round of job applications and learn the one thing most people overlook when it comes to perfecting your resume.

Learn how online resources like Facebook and Twitter can give you an edge when getting your name out there in the job hunt. And would you believe that the public library might be one of the best destinations to get free resources when it comes to getting your application materials in order?

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