World News Tonight Preview

Jan. 26, 2004 -- Good afternoon.

With less than 24 hours until voting begins in New Hampshire, the Democratic presidential hopefuls are campaigning hard for last-minute converts. Kate Snow reports tonight on what appears to be a battle between Kerry and Dean to win in the Granite State. Meanwhile, John Edwards, Joseph Lieberman and Wesley Clark appear to be in a fight for third place. Dan Harris has that story although predictions and polls in New Hampshire have often been proven fallible.

U.S. officials are responding today to comments made by the former head of the Iraq Survey Group, David Kay. As one of the highest authorities on the subject of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Kay now says he did not think there were stockpiles of WMD in the country at the time the United States invaded. Tonight, Martha Raddatz takes a Closer Look at Kay's assessment and its implications.

The youngest defendant in history to be sentenced to life without parole has been set free. Lionel Tate, now 16, was convicted three years ago for the murder of his 6-year-old playmate. Today, the same judge who sentenced Tate to life behind bars ordered him released without bond. Jeffrey Kofman will have background on the Tate case and the specifics of the judicial decision.

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