World News Tonight Preview

Nov. 10, 2003 -- Good afternoon.

We'll have several reports tonight on the weekend bombing in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, that killed 17 people and wounded several others, including four Americans. Jim Sciutto will have the latest developments from the Saudi capital. Pierre Thomas reports tonight from Washington, D.C., about what U.S. intelligence knew before the attack and if the terrorists have shifted their tactics.

The Supreme Court decided today it will consider whether hundreds of foreigners being held at the U.S. naval base in Cuba should have access to American courts. More than 660 detainees, suspected of having ties to al Qaeda, have been held at Guantanamo Bay without access to lawyers or family. Claire Shipman will have more tonight on the Supreme Court's decision.

Jury selection began today in the trial of Lee Malvo. He is accused in the sniper shootings that terrorized the Washington, D.C., area last year. Barry Serafin reports tonight from Chesapeake Bay, Va. Meanwhile, Malvo's mother appeared exclusively on "Good Morning America" this morning. She said she blames John Muhammad, the other sniper suspect, for brainwashing her son. We'll have more from that interview on tonight's broadcast.

From movies to magazine ads, children in the United States are bombarded by advertisements for fatty foods. The Center for Science in the Public Interest has released a study showing the effects that the marketing of junk food has on the increasing number of obese children. Dean Reynolds will take a Closer Look at the results of the study and show how your child could be affected.

We hope you'll join us.