Preview -- World News Tonight 06/06/01

N E W   Y O R K, June 6, 2001 -- Good Afternoon.

"Stay denied."

That was the bulletin from Denver today. And it means that barring some remarkable last-minute turn of events, Timothy McVeigh will be executed Monday, in Terre Haute, Indiana. There has been "no fraud upon the court," Judge Richard Matsch found, rebutting the chief claim of McVeigh's lawyers. Matsch wrote in his ruling that McVeigh was clearly guilty of the Oklahoma City bombings — and that recently released FBI documents in no way tarnished the conviction. Dean Reynolds is on the story for us in Denver. And our Jeffrey Toobin will be on hand for legal analysis.

Power shifted in Washington, D.C. today, as we knew it would. And with the change from Republican to Democratic control of the Senate came a warning from the new majority leader: More change is coming. Linda Douglass is on Capitol Hill again for us tonight.

CIA Director George Tenet landed in Israel today. He is one of the few American officials credited with building significant bridges between Israelis and Palestinians. What a job that is these days. Tenet will push — among other things — for a Palestinian crackdown on militants. Tonight, our Jerusalem correspondent Gillian Findlay takes up an awfully difficult and always critical question: Can Yasser Arafat control Palestinian gunmen? Or Palestinian suicide bombers?

The Federal Aviation Administration says it has a plan for reducing delays at the airport that is one of the worst offenders. We pay attention tonight because the airport in question, LaGuardia in New York, produces a spillover effect — causing havoc at other airports across the country. Lisa Stark covers aviation issues for us; she's covering this one today.

In the final installment of our series "The New Frontier," we pay a visit to Tulcingo, Mexico. Where the people keep leaving, and the dollars keep coming in. A tiny village — that receives $4.5 million each month in remittances from people who left and wound up somewhere in the United States. It's an industry, really. And not without controversy. Our reporter in Tulcingo is John Quinones.

And finally, we remember Normandy — in a town called Bedford. The town that lost more of its sons per capita during the D-Day landings than any other. The president was there today, so was correspondent John Martin. Helen Stevens tells John, "It was a time like no other. It was like a funeral that went on and on." D-Day was 57 years ago today.

We hope you'll join us.

Peter Jennings