World News

December 1, 2008 -- Today on "World News with Charles Gibson":

One-on-One With President Bush:
Over the Thanksgiving holiday, President Bush and first lady Laura Bush sat down with Charles Gibson at Camp David to reflect on the incredible journey of the past eight years. The President and First Lady spoke of their plans for life after the White House and offered some advice to the incoming first family. Don't miss Gibson's exclusive conversation with the president and Mrs. Bush tonight on "World News."

Team Obama:
President-elect Barack Obama formally announced his foreign-policy team today, nominating his onetime opponent Sen. Hillary Clinton as secretary of state. Obama picks his team as the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, serve as a reminder of the critical job that lies ahead. ABC's Jake Tapper and George Stephanopoulos report on the new team.

And on our "World News Webcast", along with our top headlines":

World AIDS Day:
Today marks the 20th annual World AIDS Day. Around the world, different countries continue to struggle with AIDS treatment and prevention. On today's webcast, ABC's digital correspondents look at how AIDS affects different cultures, from the Middle East to India, from Indonesia to Africa.