Former President Bush Hopes Hastert 'Hangs in'

Oct. 5, 2006 — -- Charles Gibson interviewed former President George Bush today at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia and asked for his thoughts on Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., with respect to the controversy over former Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla.

Bush said that while he does not follow politics "nearly as closely" as he did while he was in Washington, he called Hastert yesterday to voice his support for the speaker.

"I just was tired of hearing all the flack about him, implying that the guy might've [been], not corrupt necessarily, but improper and I know him so well," Bush said. "I just wanted to express my strong conviction that he's a good man and I hope he hangs in there."

He added, "If I thought that … the speaker or somebody was protecting the status quo and not protecting the kids, I would be very upset about that. I'm sure there were some, not many, that fit that description, but I don't think it's the speaker."

Gibson also asked Bush if it was tougher to receive criticism when he was the president or to see his son, President Bush, criticized.

Bush said it's "not a close call."

"Far worse is watching your son come under fire. Far worse … when you're the president, you take it," he said. "Now I'm … just a sentimental father who doesn't like it when his kids are criticized."

Gibson spoke with Bush before he was awarded the 2006 Liberty Medal for his fundraising efforts with former President Clinton. To read more from the interview, click here for the transcript.