'What Would You Do?' Episode Recap: Mom Fat Shames Daughter, Girl Gamer Abuse, Careless Pharamacist

A recap of this week's episode of "What Would You Do?" with ABC's John Quiñones.

— -- Here is a recap of this week's episode of "What Would You Do?" with ABC's John Quiñones.

What Would You Do: Mother Fat-Shames Daughter — We're at a famous doughnut shop in Portland, Oregon. Our actor is a mom who doesn't let one of her daughters have any doughnuts because she thinks she is overweight but allows her other daughter to have as many as she'd like. What will Portlanders do? Watch what happens:

What Would You Do: Mother Sprays Water Bottle At Child — A mother is out with her two kids at a supermarket when her children start acting up. To discipline her kids, she starts spraying a bottle of water in their faces whenever they misbehave. This type of discipline is a hot topic online. Will anyone endorse it or think it is justified? Or will people think it's wrong? What will happen when people see this form of discipline? Watch what happens:

What Would You Do: Careless Pharmacist Embarrasses Patients — It's against privacy laws for medical professionals to disclose personal information about patients … so "What Would You Do?" if you saw a pharmacist loudly discussing a patient's potentially embarrassing prescription information? Will anyone tell our loudmouth pharmacist to tone it down? Or will they decide that silence is the best prescription? Watch what happens: