Top 10 Sunless Tanning Tips

How to get sunkissed skin without the mess.

June 30, 2008— -- Looking to achieve the perfect summer tan like so many of Hollywood's A-list stars, but don't have the time to sit on the beach or spend a fortune at the tanning salon?

"GMA Now" asked's senior beauty editor, Kristen Oldham Giordani, for advice on which tans in a can are worth it, and which ones might leave you orange and streaky.

Click on the video to the left of this text to see Giordani's best and worst self tanners.

Giordani's top 10 self-tanning tips are below:

For best results:

Always exfoliate. We know you've heard this a hundred times, but it will make or break your results. It will give you a richer, less streaky finish, because tanner won't settle into dryer patches of skin. Same goes with moisturizing. If you moisturize your body regularly, you will be less prone to streaking.

If you use a liquid spray form that is bronzed in color, step into your shower to spray on the tanner to avoid turning your bathroom walls, floors and bath mats brown.

If you want to get a more subtle tan from a basic self-tanner, apply moisturizer immediately before the self-tanner to dilute it.

The key to a streak-free finish is to blend. Keep blending until you don't feel any excess traces of the product. And always lightly coat areas like feet, ankles, knees and elbows that tend to get darker easier.

Opt for a gradual tan formula if you have very fair skin tone. You'll be less likely to turn an unsightly shade of orange.

Fix mistakes:

To disguise streaks when in a rush, you can even out the color by using a liquid bronzer, or even better, a spray bronzer (they're usually water resistant) to fill in the lighter areas. Sally Hansen makes a good one as does MAC cosmetics.

To get rid of streaks or orange hands/fingers/toes, gently swipe nail polish remover, hydrogen peroxide or fresh lemon over those areas.

If you are prone to streaking, you may want to use a gradual tanner instead of a full blown self tanner. They are much more forgiving when it comes to streaks because of their moisturizing quality.

Make it last:

To make your tan last as long as possible, don't shave within a day after applying self-tanner, and use a gradual tanning lotion every couple of days to extend the life of the tan.

Also, chlorine will fade your tan faster, so use a gradual tanner daily to keep up your bronzed hue in between swims.