Lindsay Lohan Is 'Officially Unreliable'

TMZ's Harvey Levin reveals the details of the Lindsay Lohan arrest

July 24, 2007 -- The popular celebrity blogging Web site was first to break the news that 21-year-old starlet Lindsay Lohan was arrested late last night after police pulled her over on suspicion of driving under the influence while involved in a bizarre car chase.

TMZ's managing editor Harvey Levin recently caught up with ABC News about the troubled actress's second DUI.

"She's in a load of trouble," Levin told ABC News. Lohan was rather uncooperative, even refusing to take a blood-alcohol test when she was pulled over in Santa Monica, Calif., he said.

"One law enforcement official told TMZ that she was acting like a -- 'real bitch.' "

Around 1:30 a.m., Lohan was taken into custody at the Santa Monica Police Station, where she was found to be driving with a .12 blood-alcohol level, well over California's .08 legal limit.

Lohan was also driving with a suspended license and was found in possession of a substance that tested positive as cocaine.

The troubled star was released on $25,000 bail but now faces hefty legal trouble.

"If she's convicted of driving under the influence, she could be sentenced to a minimum of five days in jail. On top of that, now there is a cocaine issue, and if she's charged there we don't know whether it's going to be felony or misdemeanor charges for drug possession," Levin said. "On top of that, she's driving on a suspended license and she could go to jail for that. So she is absolutely facing jail time here."

Lohan's latest incident comes just days after a month-long stint in rehab, where she was treated for substance abuse. Upon her release, she was continuously monitored by a SCRAM alcohol monitoring device.

"I talked to the head honcho at SCRAM," Levin said. "He didn't even know she was arrested so it's unclear whether the device had any value at all, even though she was wearing it voluntarily."

The recent media attention upon her release from rehab, coupled with criticism of her recent work and longstanding family feuds could have sent the star over the edge, said Levin.

"She grew up in a nightmare of a family. Her parents were at war. Her dad was in and out of jail, and there were substance-abuse problems in her own family that were basically making the whole family spiral out of control. She got rich too early; there was no grounding in her life by her parents. I don't think Lindsay Lohan had much of a fighting chance," said Levin.

Now, the professional future of the girl who once starred as an innocent teen in "The Parent Trap" appears in question.

"Big bucks are put on the line for stars of movies, and Lindsay Lohan in now officially unreliable. … her career is now on the rocks, officially," Levin said.

Blair Ligelis contributed to this report