1-year-old playfully snatches handbag from Princess Kate in cute exchange

The lighthearted moment occurred while the princess was visiting Wales Friday.

A sassy toddler stole the show during a meet and greet between Princess Kate and local community members in Wales on Friday in an adorable moment caught on camera.

The 1-year-old, whose name is Daniel, was being held by his mother Lucy Williams when he reached out and grabbed the princess' black handbag and began playing with it.

Kate burst into laughter as the unexpected moment unfolded and let the curious young boy examine and play with her bag for a brief period.

The Princess of Wales and her husband Prince William traveled to the Aberfan Memorial Garden in the south of Wales on Friday to honor the victims of the 1966 Aberfan disaster and pay their respects.

The tragedy was a result of a massive landslide from a nearby mining waste site and led to the deaths of 144 people, including 116 children.