Dax Shepard assures fans he's OK after motorcycle accident despite needing surgery

The actor broke four ribs -- among other injuries.

Dax Shepard is on the mend after a recent motorcycle accident.

The 45-year-old actor opened up about the mishap, for which he called himself "totally at blame," on Monday's episode of his "Armchair Expert" podcast.

Shepard said he "went over the handlebars" of his motorcycle "and landed pretty hard" after clipping someone else's bumper while trying to pass other drivers.

He called the event "a little demoralizing" and noted it was his first time on this track. Shepard tried to continue after icing his injuries but found it "too painful."

This ultimately landed him in the hospital "for seven hours," where the "final tally" included four broken ribs and breaking his clavicle in three places. On top of that, he re-broke the same hand he previously broke "a couple months ago."

Shepard said he will ultimately "need surgery" and feels guilty for making wife Kristen Bell worry about him. Despite that, he doesn't think he will quit riding his motorcycle but "might be willing to quit for the remainder of 2020."

Shepard took to Instagram Wednesday to thank fans for sending love to him and assured them he'll be OK in the end, sharing a shirtless photo of his injuries.

"Thank you Armcherries for all the well wishes and concern," he wrote in the caption. "I'm in one piece and spirits are high :) Sorry for causing concern."

Some, including Whitney Cummings, took notice of Shepard's wife standing behind him in the background and commented on "The Good Place" actress' face. "Just politely shaking my head at his nonsense…" Bell replied to the comedian.