Tyler Perry asks actresses to stop buying billboards asking him to cast them

"This is not the way to get my attention," he wrote.

Tyler Perry took to social media Wednesday to address something that caught his attention -- but not in the way intended.

A young actress, he said, paid for a billboard that read, "Attention Mr. Perry," introducing him to his "next leading lady."

Apparently, billboards like that have been happening a lot.

"Auhhh.... soooooo...... here's the deal. This is not the way to get my attention if you're looking for a role in one of my shows," he wrote. "Please DON'T DO THIS, SAVE YOUR MONEY!! This is the third time that someone has done this. PLEASE STOP! To audition is FREE!! I'm sure you can use that money for a better purpose."

Perry was flattered that the young actress would like to work with him, but he added that something like this may draw the wrong kind of attention.

"It puts my team on high alert," he said. "I know the message that you want to send is a positive one, but this comes across as the opposite. Again, the best way to work for me is to AUDITION and it's FREE! We post breakdowns all the time for actors. JUST COME AND AUDITION."

The ironic thing is that he was a fan of the actress, Racquel Bailey, he said.

"And by the way, you were great in THE NIGHT OF! It was my favorite show a couple years ago. I ALREADY SAW YOU!! So just audition and keep your money!!" he added. "God bless you dreamer. I have no doubt you will make it one day!!"

Bailey also spoke out about the billboard, adding on Twitter, "My #LeapOfFaith. I'm just a mother wanting to show my children that I went for it all, that I chased my dreams. So one day, they'll be able to do the same."

She received love and support from her fans too.

"Work your way to that lead role! Your children will be proud of your faith, resilience, and persistence," one wrote, while another called her a "beautiful queen."