Couple’s engagement during middle of protest march captured in stunning photo

Xavier Young and Marjorie Alston's moment took place in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Young said he did not know exactly when he wanted to propose, until Alston suggested joining the protest.

"When Marjorie came home, she said, 'Hey pumpkin, we are going to protest today,'" Young told "Good Morning America."

It was Alston's first time attending a protest, and Young's first instinct was to go with her.

"She is not going alone, because I want to make sure my lady and the little one on the way are protected, and [we'll] march together," Young said.

To prepare, Young filled his backpack with all the essential items -- including the ring -- before marching for an hour and a half.

Then came the big moment, when Young got down on one knee to ask Alston for her hand in marriage.

"I was feeling faint, so I took my backpack off of my back and knelt down, reaching for a bottle of water, when I pulled out the ring instead to propose," Young said.

Alston was filled with different emotions during the big event.

"My first reaction was to, honestly, run because I was so nervous and did not want a lot of attention on me," she said. "But, of course I said, 'Yes.'"

Immediately afterward, Young embraced Alston and shouted "Black Lives Matter" before the pair continued to march.

Young and Alston are building a scrapbook to document this time period, and to use in the conversation with their child about why he or she matters.

Alston and Young are expecting their child in November and plan to get married in 2021. They also hope to hire Charles Crouch -- the photographer who captured their engagement -- for their nuptials.