Brandy channels Whitney Houston's 1991 Super Bowl style during national anthem

Both singers wore stylish white tracksuits.

While singing the national anthem this past weekend, Brandy channeled the style of one of her biggest idols.

As the singer belted out "The Star-Spangled Banner" at Sunday's NFC championship game between the San Francisco 49ers and the Los Angeles Rams, she wore a white, red and black Prada tracksuit that was very reminiscent of Whitney Houston's 1991 Super Bowl look.

The "Queens" star paired her ensemble with white Christian Louboutin pumps and several anklets as she wowed the crowd during her performance.

Houston's look for Super Bowl XXV in Tampa had a slightly sportier twist and included a white headband, sneakers and a gold watch.

Many fans were excited to see Brandy's look take after the legendary singer's style and posted about it on social media.

"One thing about Brandy, she’s gonna always find a way to pay homage to her idol. Whitney Houston," one person tweeted.

Other eagle-eyed fans also pointed out that both singers wore Christian cross earrings during their performances.

Houston, who died a decade ago, starred along with Brandy in the 1997 film "Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella." Brandy played the titular princess, while Houston was her fairy godmother.

Debra Martin Chase, one of the producers of the film, previously told "Good Morning America" that Houston and Brandy's relationship was clear the moment they were cast.

"Whitney was truly her idol," Chase said. "Whitney picked up the phone, called her and said 'How would you like me to be your fairy godmother?' And Brandy burst into tears."