Moms' McDonald's ice cream sundae hack goes viral on TikTok

The ice cream mashup has over 9.8 million views.

August 2, 2023, 9:05 AM

McDonald's soft-serve ice cream cones are the key ingredients for the latest food trend taking off on TikTok.

Janelle Flom posted a video to TikTok of her mom's favorite drive-thru dessert hack, which has now scooped up 9.8 million views in just under a week.

In the video, best friends Lisa Flom and Joy Hall are seen in the front seats of a car placing six soft serve ice cream cones into a large plastic food storage container. Next, they begin mashing up the cones and combining with the ice cream.

From there, they add three fresh chocolate chip cookies and break those apart, as well as chocolate fudge and sprinkles, and it can be enjoyed on its own with a spoon or with a salty French fry.

"It does get a little messy in the car, but it's worth it," one of the women said while smashing up the ice cream cones in the video. "You want to kind of smash it up so you get a crunchy bite in every bite."

Many commenters were impressed by the chaotic creation while others joked they were shocked to see the women found a McDonald's location with a working ice cream machine.