Photographer celebrates students' unique back-to-school plans with adorable photo shoot

Beth DeMund, 33, took on a new role as school photographer.

September 16, 2020, 5:39 PM

Back to school might look a little different this year, but Arizona-based photographer Beth DeMund still found a way to celebrate.

The 33-year-old mother of two took on a new role as school photographer, highlighting students' unique learning situations. From in-person to remote learning and more, the photos represent how parents, teachers and students are tackling back to school this year.

"There's no reason why you can't still have some good back-to-school photos [amid the pandemic] that are like normal, but still fun," DeMund said of her inspiration for the photo series.

7-year-old Ben poses for a back to school photo.
Beth DeMund Photography

After photographing her own kids, Ben and Emma, DeMund wanted to share the experience with families in her area who were facing uniquely challenging back-to-school situations.

In an interview with "Good Morning America," DeMund said the photos show how different this school year is and how "not every option is right for every family."

DeMund, who usually does portraits or photographs weddings, turned her house into a studio for the shoot.

Safety being a priority, she said she made sure to spread out her appointments and masks were worn until the students were photographed.

Photographer Beth DeMund, 33, has taken on a new role as teacher for her two kids.
Beth DeMund Photography

Like many parents and caregivers who have been coaching their children while remote learning, DeMund said she has an even deeper appreciation for teachers than ever before.

"I was always grateful for the teachers and the things that they did, but definitely didn't grasp the full amount of what they're teaching and empowering [kids] to do," DeMund said.

"I think it's just looking for that silver lining -- what is good from this time -- instead of trying to focus on the hard stuff or what they're missing out on," she continued. "I think it's so important to the parent or the caregiver that's helping them get through this to have a positive attitude."

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