German Chancellor Angela Merkel Misses 'Phone-a-Friend' Call Twice
Wolfgang Bosbach, a political ally of Angela Merkel, called her twice on TV.
June 3, 2014— -- A political ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel called her on the German version of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” hoping that she would have an answer. Unfortunately, he was transferred to her voice mail -- twice.
Wolfgang Bosbach, a German politician and a member of the conservative party, appeared on the TV show "Wer wird Millionär," according to BBC News. He was asked a €500,000 ($681,200) question about why an East Germany-era brand of washing machines -- the WM66 -- was so popular.
The four options were: a) it could generate electricity for heating, b) you could use it to boil food, c) it doubled as a vacuum cleaner, and d) it could receive radio signals from West Germany.
Struggling to find the right answer, b), Bosbach turned to his friend Merkel for help. He called up her twice, but was transferred to her voice mail on both tries, BBC News reported.
Bosbach eventually bowed out, and left with €125,000 ($170,250). Merkel reportedly later sent Bosbach a text message that read: "I couldn't pick up. What's the matter?"
It remains unknown if Merkel knew the right answer or if she had cooked food in the washing machine personally.