Roger Ebert Shares His Epic Love Story With Wife Chaz
Film critic reveals how he fell in love.
ByABC News
July 20, 2012, 10:44 AM
July 22, 2012 — --
We like to tell people we were "introduced by Ann Landers," which is technically true, although Eppie Lederer didn't know her at the time. The night I took Eppie to an open AA meeting, we decided to go out to dinner together afterwards; this was the first and only time we ever had dinner for two. In the restaurant, Chaz was at a nearby table that included a couple of people I knew. I didn't know her, but I'd seen her before and was attracted. I liked her looks, her voluptuous figure, and the way she presented herself. She took a lot of care with her appearance and her clothes never looked quickly thrown together. She seemed to be holding the attention of her table. You never get anywhere with a woman you can't talk intelligently with.
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Something possessed me to pull off one of the oldest tricks in the book. "I have a couple of friends over there I'd love for you to meet," I told Eppie, and got up to take her across. As the introductions went around, Chaz was included. When we went back to our own table, I had her card. I studied the card and showed it to Eppie, who said, "You sly fox."
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--Movie critic Roger Ebert tells the story of his 20 year romance with wife Chaz in a moving column on the occasion of the couple's 20th anniversary. It's a two-hankie must-read. [ Chicago Sun Times]