EXCERPT: 'Testing the Ice: The True Story of Jackie Robinson'
Read an excerpt from Sharon Robinson's new book on the life of Jackie Robinson
— -- After Jackie Robinson retired from Major League Baseball, he moved his family to Conneticuit. In the center of the family property is a lake where all the children would gather to play. This excerpt from Sharon Robinson's new book,"Testing the Ice: The True Story of Jackie Robinson," describes Robinson's first encounter with the lake.
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I grabbed Christy's mittened hand and squeezed.
"What's wrong?" she whispered.
"I'm scared," I replied, as the reality suddenly dawned on me.
"My dad can't swim."
With stick in hand, Dad took a few steps forward in the frozen lake to test the ice. The ice crackled beneath his feet as he walked.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Dad took a few more steps forward.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Then suddenly,
Text and art from TESTING THE ICE: A TRUE STORY ABOUT JACKIE ROBINSONby Sharon Robinson, illustrated by Kadir Nelson. Scholastic Inc./Scholastic Press.Text copyright © 2009 by Sharon Robinson, illustrations copyright © 2009 by Kadir Nelson.Used by permission.