Take Control: Where Are the Hot Jobs?

Find out which fields are continuing to grow despite a slowing economy.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 10, 2008, 6:59 AM

March 10, 2008 — -- Even on the heels of the dismal job numbers, I've spent the last three weeks on the road putting on career fairs across the country and I've seen firsthand as dozens of employers in all fields -- from aerospace to retail -- are hiring.

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Is it easy to be looking for work right now? Definitely not. It's a struggle that nobody relishes.

But all hiring has not come to a halt and it is possible to find work. You might be one of hundreds of people applying for a position, but instead of saying, "There's no chance they'll pick me" or "Why bother trying?" turn that thinking around.

Say to yourself, "Someone has to get hired and I'm going to do everything to make sure it's me." For every rejection, you're one step closer to an offer, so don't allow the frustration get the best of you. Pick yourself up and keep plugging away.

Top 5 Cities to Find a Job:

1. Salt Lake City, Utah, tops the list in job growth with opportunities in nursing, education and banking.

2. Witchita, Kan., where aircraft and petroleum industries have bounced back and looking to hire for their production lines. There are also plenty of opportunities for health care workers.

3. Austin, Texas, is a vibrant and young city with an entrepreneurial spirit, so a good place to think about opening a small business. Also a wide range of career choices in technology.

4. Atlanta, Ga., is a hub for the financial and technology industries with positions in accounting, civil and electiral engineering and jobs at Fortune 500 companies like Coca Cola, UPS and Home Depot.

5. Fort Worth, Texas, with job opportunities in teaching, construction, even vision care products and air craft equipment.


Service jobs in health care are one of the highest growth sectors -- and grew by 36,000 jobs last month alone. These opportunities range from home health-care aides and medical assistants to equipment technicians and occupational therapists. For some of these, certificate programs can be completed in as little as a year, so it's viable path to pursue at any age.


In both workplace and academic settings, demand for trainers is expected to grow steadily in the next five years because of the need to keep up with fast-paced change in the classroom and the corporate world. These positions train teachers on new curriculum and train employees on new business practices, services and technologies. You can take courses to become a certified trainer. Or if you're a natural mentor and leader, you can often become a trainer using your existing experience. For example, going from sales specialist to training specialist.


Government management: In the private sector, only about one quarter of all jobs are management and professional level; in government that number is closer to 80 percent. From managing public housing to a wildlife preserve, positions exist in just about every discipline: finance, HR, communications, technology. The same applies to a college or university system: These are like communities of their own with an abundance of management roles, though the educational requirements tend to be higher in academia than government. Just last month, government at all levels added 38,000 jobs; Uncle Sam expects to hire 200,000 new employees in the next year.